April – May 2021 Updates: Creativity Strained in Allergy Season
It’s taken me years and years to learn that sometimes, it’s my allergies that are doing the driving. This time of year seems to always sap my creativity a little, as I have to medicate my insane seasonal allergies away. Even if I do medicate, bad enough days in the lustful Miami Valley can literally…
Music, Art, Chemistry, and the Maze
Hey everyone, thanks for visiting the site. Check out the galleries for neat art, check out my Twitch stream for live art and music, and check out my commissions page to see if I can draw something for YOU! In March I finally got a music stream going. Now I can play my MIDI piano…
February 2021
What’s in the pipeline for 2021? What little nuggets can I send your way? All I have to offer is words and pixels, at least until they are printed on a shirt or a mug or something. Oh speaking of that: I have a TeePublic Storefront now! So now you can purchase my art, and…
Updating Godrod.org
The gallery has been updated with a nice selection of what I have done this year. There is a lot I have left out, but what is there should give you an idea of the growth that I have been going through as an artist and otherwise. Due to technical limitations, I am not getting…
More Art More Faster
HI everyone. Nice day to be stuck inside, as always. I’ve been working hard on images for an RPG that I am working on, as well as some other projects which are bringing me a lot of joy. I’m trying to get better at daily output, something which will be incentivized by another exciting piece…
Not taking a break – practicing!
I had a nice run of streaming some drawings for a week or so, and they were fun! Now it’s been a week of working on drawings that are not-so-stream-able. I will post some parts of them here, but not enough to scare away my many, many sponsors. I may make a whole webpage of…
A Thousand Miles of Dust
I wrote a quick little snapshot of a Mad Max, Fallout, and Lost Highway-inspired RPG that I am working on. This is a personal project for some homebrew storytelling, and you can read it here!
What’s Happening at godrod.org?
Mm, yes, nothing like a well-oiled, frequently-updated website! I have been out of the art game after a decent start in 2020, since my carpal tunnel syndrome had taken a turn for the worse. CTS is used as a joke so often these days that it may seem like I’m making a joke too, but…
Lots of New Art for 2020!
It’s 12:21am at night and I should be getting to sleep. But instead here are some updates for 2020. It’s good news! I want 24 drawings by the end of March. I’m up to seven so far so let’s keep cracking away at it. I’m streaming a lot more often now. It keeps me active…
52 Weeks, 52 drawings update
Here we are! I’ve been a busy boy. I made a fake Elden Ring boss for a contest, I scanned in and cleaned up a bunch of drawings, and I may just be able to keep that promise to myself. 52 drawings in 52 weeks? Just maybe. I went through some of my more productive…
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