Smacking art right in the stupid face, unsurpassed
Here we are, starting out summer right. It’s been a productive year so far, artistically and professionally. As I demand more detail in my own artwork, it also demands more time, so I have fewer pieces to show, but the pieces I have worked on I am very proud of. Check out the gallery for…
Commissions, and the Ethical Bounds of Creating
Hi everyone. Time for another minor update before I go HAM on a larger one. Reeling from the news from yesterday about the school shooting. I’m not just tired of the killings, I am tired of the overwhelming inaction, the tacit acceptance of death. We saw it with the (still ongoing) pandemic, we see it…
If You’re Not Creating For Yourself, What Are You Creating For?
It’s been a couple of months. My garden got big and I ate lots of tomatoes. Then the shade and heat won, and I was left with withering stalks. Still, the season was alright, with cucumbers and herbs overwhelming. We even had a few decent melons. School started for my daughter. She is learning to…
April – May 2021 Updates: Creativity Strained in Allergy Season
It’s taken me years and years to learn that sometimes, it’s my allergies that are doing the driving. This time of year seems to always sap my creativity a little, as I have to medicate my insane seasonal allergies away. Even if I do medicate, bad enough days in the lustful Miami Valley can literally…
Updating Godrod.org
The gallery has been updated with a nice selection of what I have done this year. There is a lot I have left out, but what is there should give you an idea of the growth that I have been going through as an artist and otherwise. Due to technical limitations, I am not getting…
What’s Happening at godrod.org?
Mm, yes, nothing like a well-oiled, frequently-updated website! I have been out of the art game after a decent start in 2020, since my carpal tunnel syndrome had taken a turn for the worse. CTS is used as a joke so often these days that it may seem like I’m making a joke too, but…
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