Inspiration versus Artwork, or How to Be Happy
I have streamed on my Twitch channel for several years now, with some periods being more productive than others. I would not have a schedule, I would just stream when I felt like it. When I felt like it, meaning , when I was inspired. I’m going to come back to that a few times,…
godrod studios updated, and spreading even more joy than before
godrod.org has been updated again, with more art, better pages, and a streamlined commissions page.
Shattering My Way Through the Calcified Shell of Artistic Stasis
An update to Godrod.org? It’s real, it’s REAL! Recently, I moved. For a long time I wanted to move back to my hometown, but the reality is that I cannot do that for now. You don’t always get what you want, but I still have what many do not: a home. A place that I…
Smacking art right in the stupid face, unsurpassed
Here we are, starting out summer right. It’s been a productive year so far, artistically and professionally. As I demand more detail in my own artwork, it also demands more time, so I have fewer pieces to show, but the pieces I have worked on I am very proud of. Check out the gallery for…
Commissions, and the Ethical Bounds of Creating
Hi everyone. Time for another minor update before I go HAM on a larger one. Reeling from the news from yesterday about the school shooting. I’m not just tired of the killings, I am tired of the overwhelming inaction, the tacit acceptance of death. We saw it with the (still ongoing) pandemic, we see it…
Examination and self-review; My Fallout New Vegas Piece Pt. 2
Hi everyone, I’m writing again! The piece has been completed, and I can now go into all the details about the process! Just like last time, I will speak about the progression, my thought process, and what details I chose to add or omit. Let’s take a look! We left on version 9, and version…
An examination and self-review: My Fallout: New Vegas piece
Welcome to 2022! That means adding another gallery page, uploading some recent content, and this, me writing more about art. Sometime in November I was approached by a friend who wanted a large-scale piece done for a game we both love. Fallout: New Vegas is the best Fallout game, and in my book is one…
It is Impossible To Stop Now
Wherein I briefly detail my journey into loving my artwork
The Devastating Pain of Not Sharing Portfolio, Brutal Excellence
There are pieces of art I have been working on, feverishly! And what is more, they look really cool and I wish I was able to share them. The pain I feel is the pain of having to keep it to myself. There is good news, and that news is that there are more commission…
If You’re Not Creating For Yourself, What Are You Creating For?
It’s been a couple of months. My garden got big and I ate lots of tomatoes. Then the shade and heat won, and I was left with withering stalks. Still, the season was alright, with cucumbers and herbs overwhelming. We even had a few decent melons. School started for my daughter. She is learning to…
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