There are pieces of art I have been working on, feverishly! And what is more, they look really cool and I wish I was able to share them. The pain I feel is the pain of having to keep it to myself.
There is good news, and that news is that there are more commission slots open now. And your work does not have to stay unstreamt unless you have some wild tastes. I still stream, not as often as I could, but just as often as I am able.
I have been messing with NeuralBlender lately, to make all sorts of wacky designs. Lots of these are ripe for iteration and background work. You take a prompt, write it down, and the network iterates it over and over again until you end up with something nightmarish.

Besides this, I have been working on pixel-art, working on the website, setting up an INSTAGRAM like some sort of instagrammer. You may notice that navigation is a little different now and that is because you are a very observant critter! I will be adding a Merch option to the menu soon. Not in love with the way the menu is on mobile but that is a minor quib.
Upcoming improvements:
-A banner for the merch store
-Better Commision page, with more options and updated prices
-Finish more art I can show off. Here is a little horror poster done in a pixelart style (80×120 pixels, 8 colors:)
Like this.
Thanks for tuning in. Check out the galleries, check out the pixel art, order yourself a shirt, and come back soon! I’ll quit when I’m dead!